The Perfect Gentleman

The Perfect Gentleman


  • 14 Sonata 6:46
  • 13 Mr. Maule's Favourite - King of the Faeries 2:47
  • 12 Scarborough Fair - Scotch Air 5:01
  • 11 Sonata HWV 367a: Largo - Vivace - Furioso - Adagio - Alla breve - Andante - A tempo di Minuet 14:12
  • 10 The Witches Second Dance - Boffons 3:30
  • 9 Volta 1:09
  • 8 Rowland 2:44
  • 7 Almand 1:31
  • 6 Ground After the Scotch Humour 3:01
  • 5 Suite No. 8: Pavan - Ayre - Courant - Saraband 6:57
  • 4 Italian Ground - Ground - Jigg 7:11
  • 3 Johney Cock thy Beavor 1:52
  • 2 March - Sybell 3:16
  • 1 Mr. Shores Trumpet Tune - Trumpet Tune 1:51

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