Blonde And Blonder

Blonde And Blonder


  • 17 Mary And Mick 3:36
  • 16 French Story 5:08
  • 15 Model Sister 5:02
  • 14 Stick Around 5:17
  • 13 Compassionate Release 5:31
  • 12 Mathematician Of Absence 5:48
  • 11 Lullaby For A Warrior 5:58
  • 10 The Shocking 4:51
  • 9 Feeling Of My Affection 5:28
  • 8 Experience 3:41
  • 7 Dancing Cows 5:38
  • 6 My Dead Friends 3:30
  • 5 Blonde And Blonder 6:02
  • 4 The Crucial Test 4:33
  • 3 Gardens Of The World 5:41
  • 2 The Last Betrayal 5:34
  • 1 Celebrated 5:58

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