Born of Fire

Born of Fire

  • artiste(s) : Ross The Boss
  • date : 06 mars 2020
  • catégorie : Rock


  • 12 Waking the Moon 4:24
  • 11 Undying 4:26
  • 10 Demon Holiday 3:49
  • 9 The Blackest Heart 5:05
  • 8 Godkiller 4:09
  • 7 Born of Fire 3:07
  • 6 Shotgun Evolution 3:29
  • 5 I Am the Sword 3:11
  • 4 Maiden of Shadows 4:06
  • 3 Denied by the Cross 3:35
  • 2 Fight the Fight 3:13
  • 1 Glory to the Slain 2:48

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