Cinema - The Oscars Winners
- artiste(s) : Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- label : Puzzle Productions
- date : 18 octobre 2012
- catégorie : B.O. de films
- + Star Wars 2:38
- + The Exorcist 3:32
- + Jaws 2:36
- + Superman 3:04
- + Midnight Express 5:28
- + The Empire Strikes Back 2:25
- + 2001 a Space Odyssey 2:02
- + Batman 2:15
- + A Clockwork Orange 1:21
- + The Third Man 2:58
- + Silence of the Lambs 3:05
- + Chariots of Fire 3:21
- + Zorba the Greek 3:58
- + Men in Black 2:41
- + Lawrence of Arabia 3:12
- + 1492 Conquest of Paradise 4:41
- + Rocky 4:48
- + Blade Runner 2:29
- + Bridge On the Kwaï River 2:44
- + Love Story 3:30
- + Bilitis 3:06
- + The Magnificent Seven 2:06
- + Once Upon a Time in the West 3:27
- + The Good the Bad and the Ugly 2:44
- + Apocalypse Now 4:52
- + Gone With the Wind 2:16
- + The Schindler's List 1:51
- + West Side Story 3:14
- + Singin'in the Rain 2:58
- + Snow White 3:16
- + Titanic 4:40