Henry Lawes: Ayres

Henry Lawes: Ayres


  • 23 Why so Pale and Wan, Fond Lover? 2:07
  • 22 Wert Thou yet Fairer Than Thou Art 2:35
  • 21 Division on John Come Kiss me now 2:04
  • 20 O tell me love! O tell me fate! 2:04
  • 19 Sweet Stay a While 3:15
  • 18 Cloches de Mr Gaultier 1:48
  • 17 Courant 1:29
  • 16 Out upon it, I have lov'd 1:19
  • 15 Sleep Soft, you Cold Clay Cinders 3:38
  • 14 When Thou, Poor Excommunicate 3:11
  • 13 Tregian's Ground 4:48
  • 12 No More Shall Meads be Deck'd with Flowers 5:01
  • 11 I'm Sick of Love 3:05
  • 10 Wither are all her False Oaths Blown? 3:02
  • 9 Almain - Corant 1 - Corant 2 for Two Lutes 4:03
  • 8 Neither Sights, nor Tears, nor Mourning 1:37
  • 7 Or you, or I, Nature did Wrong 2:08
  • 6 I Rise and Grieve 6:39
  • 5 Prélude 1:49
  • 4 Divisions on a Ground 5:31
  • 3 Bid me but Live, and I will Live 2:17
  • 2 Slide Soft you Silver Floods 3:47
  • 1 Have you e'er Seen the Morning Sun? 1:43

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