Lamentations from the Renaissance

Lamentations from the Renaissance


  • 11 Feria sexta in Parasceve à 5: Lamentatio Tertia 6:58
  • 10 Feria sexta in Parasceve à 5: Lamentatio Secunda 7:13
  • 9 Feria sexta in Parasceve à 5: I. Lamentatio Prima 7:35
  • 8 Lamentatio Jeremie Prophete à 4: III. Ghimel 4:57
  • 7 Lamentatio Jeremie Prophete à 4: II. Beth 2:48
  • 6 Lamentatio Jeremie Prophete à 4: I. Incipit - Aleph 3:35
  • 5 Lamentations à 5: Lectio Secunda 8:56
  • 4 Lamentations à 5: Lectio Prima 9:51
  • 3 Feria V. In coena Domini: III. Lectio Tertia 7:03
  • 2 Feria V. In coena Domini: II. Lectio Secunda 5:31
  • 1 Feria V. In coena Domini: I. Lectio Prima 5:09

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