Of Death and Sin

Of Death and Sin

  • artiste(s) : Final Breath
  • date : 19 octobre 2018
  • catégorie : Métal


  • 10 Annihilation 5:09
  • 9 Chaos Unity 5:06
  • 8 Illega-Lie-Sating 1:59
  • 7 When Finally Mighty Kings Fall 5:47
  • 6 Tear Me from My Dreams 4:45
  • 5 Immemorial Disease 6:01
  • 4 Born Against 5:23
  • 3 Agonized, Zombified, Necrotized 3:04
  • 2 Yearning for Next Murder 4:32
  • 1 Babylon C.E. 1:59

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