Osa Boreis

Osa Boreis


  • 12 Gia Enan Poiiti 4:56
  • 11 Afti I Agapi 4:40
  • 10 Min Kais Ta Dakrya Sou 5:57
  • 9 Mono Thymisou 4:15
  • 8 Sti Skini Ton Athinon 2:47
  • 7 Sta Matia 2:37
  • 6 Krata Me Sfihta 4:29
  • 6 The True Face of Beauty 4:04
  • 5 Akoma Mia For A / Den Eisai Edo 4:14
  • 5 All That You Want 4:08
  • 4 The True Face of Beauty, Pt. 1 3:02
  • 4 Pantomime 4:59
  • 3 The True Face of Beauty 3:39
  • 3 Hangin' With Hef 4:04
  • 2 Anapneo, Pt. 1 3:02
  • 2 Mazi Sou 3:41
  • 1 Anapneo 3:39
  • 1 Osa Boreis 4:07

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