Rumania, Rumania

Rumania, Rumania


  • 12 Rumania, Rumania 3:06
  • 11 Zug Far Vus? 2:24
  • 10 Avremele 5:33
  • 9 Momele (Mother Dear) 3:34
  • 8 Einz Einz (The Numbers Song) 2:21
  • 7 David Melech Israel (David, King Of Israel) 2:12
  • 6 My Yiddishe Mamme 4:21
  • 5 Unter Boimer (Beneath The Trees) 3:47
  • 4 Heveinu Sholem Aleichem (Greetings Of Peace) 2:04
  • 3 Shein VI Di Levone (Like The Moon Above You) 2:59
  • 2 Ich Hob Dich Tsufil Lieb (I Love You Much Too Much) 3:07
  • 1 Papirossen (Cigarettes) 3:22

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