Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport

Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport

  • artiste(s) : Rolf Harris
  • date : 10 mai 2019
  • catégorie : Jazz


  • 13 Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport 3:03
  • 12 The Master From The Bush 3:34
  • 11 The Ground Hog Song 2:23
  • 10 The Big Black Hat 2:06
  • 9 Tame Eagle 2:39
  • 8 Sun Arise (Original Version) 2:01
  • 7 Sun Arise 2:24
  • 6 Someones Pinched My Winkles 3:01
  • 5 Six White Bloomers 3:22
  • 4 Nick Teen And Al K Hall 3:12
  • 3 In The Wet 3:16
  • 2 I've Lost My Mummy 2:43
  • 1 Didgeridoo 3:30

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