

PUNCH is a satirical magazine created in 1841 by Henry Mayhew. It is well known for discovering authors and drawers like Willie Wilde and Cecil Aldin. The magazine was really popular in the second half of the XIXth century and lasted until 2002 when it had to stop its publication because of a bad turnover.
Fréquence de publication : Hebdomadaire

Numéros du magazine Punch

Art numero : 7296 - 1980, 01 septembre 1980
Giant business extra
Giant business extra numero : 7298 - 1980, 01 septembre 1980
Wait until you see...
Wait until you see... numero : 7299 - 1980, 01 septembre 1980
27 August 1980
27 August 1980 numero : 7295 - 1980, 01 août 1980
Number 7287
Number 7287 numero : 7287 - 1980, 01 juillet 1980
“Pledging allegiance to God”
“Pledging allegiance to God” numero : 7288 - 1980, 01 juillet 1980
Humble beginnings
Humble beginnings numero : 7285 - 1980, 01 juin 1980
“Lord, how I hate the night-time”
“Lord, how I hate the night-time” numero : 7286 - 1980, 01 juin 1980
Summer number
Summer number numero : 7283 - 1980, 01 juin 1980
Gulliver numero : 7279 - 1980, 01 mai 1980
Sorry to bother you...
Sorry to bother you... numero : 7281 - 1980, 01 mai 1980
“Then I shot him”
“Then I shot him” numero : 7280 - 1980, 01 mai 1980
Sex’n’Valentine numero : 7269 - 1980, 01 février 1980
All the horror of holidays guide
All the horror of holidays guide numero : 7266 - 1980, 01 janvier 1980