Jaquette Dum nos fata sinunt, oculos satiemus Amore

Dum nos fata sinunt, oculos satiemus Amore

  • magazine : Bruno's weekly
  • numero : 306 - 1916
  • date : 01 juillet 1916
  • catégorie : Culture & arts


  • People Who Lived in Our Village

    Rozel Oertle Butler - No Chance to Exhibit - Up Stairs and Down Stairs

    par Guido Bruno
  • Poems and Other Things by James Waldo Fawcett par James Waldo Fawcett
  • Chicago Letter

    Kicked by a Mule

    par John Stapleton Cowley Brown
  • In Our Village

    Genius and Insanity - The Greatest Collection of Insane Artists' Works

    par Guido Bruno
  • Oscar Wilde’s “Reading Gaol” par Oscar Wilde
  • The Lion’s Mouth

    We thank you for the compliment and we only wish it were
    true, especially that private car of ours.

    par Jack Carney
  • Jean

    Over in Still Creek Valley, the trains rumbled all
    day long, going in and out of the city.

    par Orrick Johns

A propos du magazine

Bruno's weekly
Bruno's weekly BRUNO'S WEEKLY was founded by Guido Bruno in 1915. Celebrating Greenwich Village and its people, it contains local news, gossips, poetry, short stories and artworks by the Village's inhabitants. Most topics were love declarations to the Village, thanks to regular contributors such as Clara Tice, Djuna Barnes, Alfred Kreymborg, ... More than a century later, it is joyful to read such a testimony of what life was in Greenwich Village, way back then.

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