Jaquette Happy new year !

Happy new year !

  • magazine : Le Bonbon London
  • numero : 10 - 2016
  • date : 21 janvier 2016
  • catégorie : Culture & arts


  • Signorelli

    Just two-and-a-half years
    ago, London's E20 was host
    to the premiere athletes
    of our time. While it has
    since been rebranded from
    Olympic Village to East
    Village, it boasts a venue
    worthy of a gold medal in
    that glorious event most
    dear to a Londoner's heart:

    par Karina Stridh
  • Joseph Alexander Goode

    Opulent worlds in alternate realities

    par Elodie Hazelwood
  • Pizzeria Apollo

    Outstanding pizza spat from
    a mouth of fire

    par Benjamin Harvey
  • The Common E2

    A space for

    par Benjamin Harvey
  • Davey Stone

    The East London
    estate agency
    with their fingers
    on the pulse

    par Benjamin Harvey
  • Resolutions
  • Oui Maman

    nannies to allay
    childcare worries

  • Fritz Helder

    €?I write songs that way,
    seeing the visual end of it.
    I see how a song may be
    performed and what it looks
    like and then I work my way
    backwards, deconstructing
    it into all of its parts. I
    usually start with a finished
    image in my head.”

  • Francesco Picardi

    Bespoke expert
    hair styling in the
    heart of Shoreditch

    par Elodie Hazelwood
  • Spitalfields Crypt Trust

    Looking back on 50 inspirational
    years of providing hope

    par Sonny Syah
  • Street Life par Lexi Rose

A propos du magazine

Le Bonbon London
Le Bonbon London LE BONBON LONDON est le petit frère du Bonbon Paris dont il garde les préceptes et insuffle l'esprit outre-Manche. Il sillonne les bas-fonds et haut-lieux de Londres pour dénicher les meilleurs plans et offrir à ses lecteurs un nouvel aperçu de la capitale.

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