Jaquette Britain’s pressure groups

Britain’s pressure groups

  • magazine : Punch
  • numero : 6895 - novembre 1972
  • date : 01 novembre 1972
  • catégorie : Culture & arts


  • Nothing Succeeds Like Excess

    Mahood does afollow-up on those three and a hait million credit cards 'Access' generously put through your letter-box last week

  • Help Save Pressure Groups!

    Just five of the causes that need your support ...

  • Let Me Through ! l’m a Pressure Group !

    In our buildings were twelve blocks, each stone of stair, tiled of wall and defective of landing lights ; each graced by the sarne stroke of ftarnboyance in that a tile trirn had been introduced, employing the use of three distinctive colours; blue, green and brown. Thus, four blocks had the blue trirn, four green and four brown. If you lived in a green block you would have a natural affinity for those who also lived in a green block.

    par Sally Vincent
  • How Differently Do They Order These Things in France...?

    Dr Pierre Simon's promised Kinsey-type Guide to French Sexual Behaviour, forecasts Alan Brien, will be codified something like this

    par Alan Brien
  • Versatility at the top

    The Sunday Express reports that Tory backbenchers want the Prime Minister to appear on TV more often and to make more "general-interest" speeches.
    R. G. G. PRICE is sure that their wishes will be met

  • A Walk on the Short Side

    Afflicted caps are big box-office. As the crippled lronside wheels himself off-screen after six record-breaking years, blind Longstreet taps on to take his place in fifty million homes on bath sides of the Atlantic. And when he goes ... ?

    par Alan Coren
  • Dear Mum, We’ll Beat Old Adolf Yet

    They're still finding Japanese soldiers of World War Two holding out in the Pacifie. But have all British soldiers of those days given themselves up? E. S. TURNER is privileged to reproduce an astonishing human document.

  • The Golfather

    Is the opening of betting shops at golf toumaments just the tip of the iceberg? Chris Plumridge breaks the vow of silence ...

    par Chris Plumridge
  • While Shepherd’s Bush Watched

    A shop window for the words of Mark Revelle

    par Mark Revelle

A propos du magazine

Punch PUNCH is a satirical magazine created in 1841 by Henry Mayhew. It is well known for discovering authors and drawers like Willie Wilde and Cecil Aldin. The magazine was really popular in the second half of the XIXth century and lasted until 2002 when it had to stop its publication because of a bad turnover.

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