Jaquette Ethan


  • magazine : Le Bonbon London
  • numero : 3 - 2015
  • date : 06 mai 2015
  • catégorie : Culture & arts


  • Vivo Taste

    Situated on cosmopolitan Upper Street in
    Angel, Vivo offers a truly authentic taste of Italy. From delicious breakfasts, light lunches and hearty dinners to aperitivo style nibbles and cocktails on the serene terrace, this is Islington’s go to destination
    for all-day dining.

    par Abbie Moulton
  • Ricardo Cavolo

    €?101 Artists to Listen to Before You Die’

    par Natasha Louise David

    Don't you sometimes just
    feel like packing it all in
    and doing something that
    you've always dreamed
    of? That's exactly what
    Kerstin and Julia did when
    they decided to start up
    their business NIX&KIX.

    par Lexi Rose
  • ShowMango

    A musical

    par Olivia Sorrel-Dejerine
  • Lurem


    par Marguerite Gaudin
  • Chronicle of a Life Untold

    €?Sir, when a man is tired of
    London, he is tired of life;
    for there is in London all
    that life can afford.” When
    Samuel Johnson penned
    these famous words in
    1777, life in London was
    very different: King George
    III sat on the throne,
    Uranus was about to be
    discovered and parliament
    debated how best to deal
    with the American upstarts
    on the other side of the

    par Luke Harwood
  • Bohemia Road Vintage

    Tucked down a side street
    in Islington is Bohemia
    Road Vintage, a local
    treasure trove of vintage
    clothing owned and run
    by Rosa-Lee Arendse.
    Unmissable for both its
    bright pink exterior and
    curated collection of
    stunning vintage pieces,
    Bohemia Road should not
    be missed.

    par Natasha Louise David
  • Shop for Greek lovers only

    €?It doesn’t matter which
    olive oil is their favourite,
    it’s your favourite that
    matters most.”

    par Julia Ternon
  • Columbia Road Flower Market

    Imagine a lazy morning
    after a lie in. It’s Sunday,
    and you can see the sun
    beaming through the
    window blinds, and you’re
    even having breakfast in
    bed! What’s the next step
    in this day from heaven?
    Don’t say staying in!
    Rather, let’s (re)discover
    Columbia Road Flower

    par Déborah Bannwarth
  • A moment with Maribou State

    The talented duo is back
    for a new album “Portraits”,
    to be released
    1st June 2015 (Counter
    Records and Ninja Tune).
    This album promises to
    be full of surprises and an
    irresistible blend of deep,
    resonant guitar licks and
    dishevelled synths riding
    upon looping breakbeats.
    We talked with Chris and
    Liam while they were in the
    US just to see what they
    have in their guts.

    par Julia Ternon
  • Graham C Harwood

    A Hackney Wick resident of ten years, painter
    Graham C Harwood moved into his current studio in
    East London before this slightly eerie part of town
    was ever considered trendy. An explosion of colour
    and light, walking into Harwood’s space is a delight
    for all senses with the artist’s paintings making a
    particularly strong impression. Fascinated by the
    splendor of nature, science, transformation and
    memory- Harwood’s love for colour makes a dramatic
    impression and shows in everything from his
    large-scale layered oil paintings to his smaller oneoff
    prints and more intimate watercolour works.

    par Natasha Louise
  • Nick Clegg

    A British
    Sangria, tasty

    par Sophie Guibert
  • Nigel Farage

    A pint of
    bitter, or
    should I say
    a barrel?

    par Sophie Guibert
  • The King of Cool

    I’m not one for writing things
    down. Instead, I like to capture
    thoughts and memories and play
    them like movies in my head.

    par Pierre Winsborrow

A propos du magazine

Le Bonbon London
Le Bonbon London LE BONBON LONDON est le petit frère du Bonbon Paris dont il garde les préceptes et insuffle l'esprit outre-Manche. Il sillonne les bas-fonds et haut-lieux de Londres pour dénicher les meilleurs plans et offrir à ses lecteurs un nouvel aperçu de la capitale.

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