Jaquette L’accademia d’Italia

L’accademia d’Italia

  • magazine : Poesia
  • numero : 9 - octobre 1905
  • date : 01 octobre 1905
  • catégorie : Culture & arts


  • L’accademia d’Italia

    Patrocinata dal Teatro illustrato e da Poesia

  • Paolo Buzzi

    Il vincitore del concorso di Poesia

  • Divina anima puerilis par Juy
  • Verone

    Fragment de prose poétique

    par Jean Moreas
  • Dei quattro poeti maggiori
  • La religieuse et le marchand de Pourceaux

    Poème en prose

    par F. T. Marinetti
  • Sarcasmes

    Frammenti polacchi tradotti da B. Kozakiewicz

    par Boguslas Adamowicz

A propos du magazine

Poesia POESIA was an international avant-garde review published in Milan in 36 issues between February 1905 and August 1909, and again from May to October 1920. It was edited by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Sem Benelli and Vitaliano Ponti. Most of the texts were written in Italian, some in French, German, English and Spanish.

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