Jaquette That’s odd

That’s odd

  • magazine : Punch
  • numero : 7240 - 1979
  • date : 01 juillet 1979
  • catégorie : Culture & arts


  • The greatest story ever told

    Hollywood producer Buck Blacock has just obtained the film rights to the Guinness Book of Records.

    par David Taylor
  • Loggerheads

    Webster is much possessed by race
    And cannot see beyond his skin,
    Yet he would rather muse than march,
    And joke than put the jackboot in...

    par Roger Woddis
  • Not Working for The Times

    No nightingale sings in New Printing House Square; but occasionally the phone rings and it's one of the Top People wanting to know what I've bcen doing with ail this marvellous free rime. Not an awful lot, actually.

    par Tony Samstag
  • On the house

    Is sir Keith Joseph showing the strain too much? Is he going over the top? There are plenty of Conservative MPs who think that the Industry Secretary might not last the course.

    par Simon Hoggart
  • Mellymobile

    Continuing the series of Round the World Gigs

    par George Melly
  • Brief encounters : Just Williamson

    With a reputation for great acting and a great temper, NICOL WILLIAMSON takes time off from filming to talk to DAVID TAYLOR.

    par David Taylor
  • True to Type

    It should be good news, if only to the man programming the typewriter which brings you these sentences, that "Word Processing" is worth £30 million a year.

    par Jonathan Sale
  • Loss of eden

    Mr Wootton's fiery face appeared momentarily round the corner of the organ to scowl at him.
    "Pump," he hissed.

    par David Williams
  • Comin’ for to carry me Home

    I don't like sitting here outside the airport Ladies, it isn' t me. Given a choice l 'd rather sit outside the Gents, though that wouldn't be favourite, either. But choices are few.

    par Basil Boothroyd
  • Western Slopes

    Time will tell," Eric de Rothschild is reported to have said when a California cabernet sauvignon came second only to Pétrus at a blind tasting by French experts, ahead of his own
    Lafite and the other first growths, as well as of Cheval Blanc and Ausone.

    par Cyril Ray

A propos du magazine

Punch PUNCH is a satirical magazine created in 1841 by Henry Mayhew. It is well known for discovering authors and drawers like Willie Wilde and Cecil Aldin. The magazine was really popular in the second half of the XIXth century and lasted until 2002 when it had to stop its publication because of a bad turnover.

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