Jaquette Tiny Toes

Tiny Toes

  • magazine : Bruno's weekly
  • numero : 109 - 1915
  • date : 01 septembre 1915
  • catégorie : Culture & arts


  • Tiny Toes par Eugene Field
  • Charles Edison’s Little Thimble Theatre

    Opening Night

    par Guido Bruno
  • The Evening Performances
  • Parrot’s Tongues par D. Molby
  • The Finishing Touches
  • Greenwich Village

    The Romance of One Night

    par Guido Bruno

A propos du magazine

Bruno's weekly
Bruno's weekly BRUNO'S WEEKLY was founded by Guido Bruno in 1915. Celebrating Greenwich Village and its people, it contains local news, gossips, poetry, short stories and artworks by the Village's inhabitants. Most topics were love declarations to the Village, thanks to regular contributors such as Clara Tice, Djuna Barnes, Alfred Kreymborg, ... More than a century later, it is joyful to read such a testimony of what life was in Greenwich Village, way back then.

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