Jaquette Zoo du bois d’Attilly

Zoo du bois d’Attilly

  • magazine : Le Bonbon London
  • numero : 2 - 2015
  • date : 01 avril 2015
  • catégorie : Culture & arts


  • William Cheshire

    An East London Gem

    par Anna Jacobsen
  • FIKA

    A truly Nordic experience

    par Anna Jacobsen
  • Spring

    A gentle
    to convince
    Mr Spring
    to show up
    in advance

    par Déborah Bannwarth
  • Tower Lifeboat Stations

    on the water

    par Déborah Bannwarth
  • Think while you drink

    London proudly
    boasts about a range of
    cafes, bars and restaurants
    to satisfy the most bizarre
    cravings - cereal and
    porridge cafes, restaurants
    specialising in burger,
    lobster, vegan dishes, raw
    food, juices, gin palaces
    and rum shacks - you
    name it, we’ve got it. But
    what about the people
    who want more - those
    whose craving is for
    knowledge, who want to
    feed their mind as well
    as quench a thirst? Well
    of course, London has
    that too! You just had to
    ask. This is your -Thinking
    Drinkers Guide to London-
    - the capital’s best bars for
    brains - because a pub quiz
    only goes so far...

    par Abbie Moulton
  • The Store, coffee around the corner

    When I asked Antonio
    why he decided on Roman
    Road as the location for
    his latest project, his
    response was prophetic,
    “I had a dream about
    Roman Road. I knew then,
    that it would be a great
    road.” A delightful little
    cafe, The Store is certainly
    taking Roman Road in
    the direction Antonio

    par Luke Harwood
  • Pimps and Pinups

    Special care
    for fussy

    par Malgorzata Jacygrad
  • That Shit Kray

    Feared by many but charmed
    by more, the Kray
    twins of 1950s Bethnal
    Green casted a long
    shadow in East London a
    mere thirty years ago. The
    terraced streets of Bethnal
    Green and the surrounding
    that were once under the
    Krays’ control, pose a very
    different picture as the hip
    mecca it is today.

    par Natasha David
  • Barn the Spoon

    On the border between
    the London Boroughs
    of Hackney and Tower
    Hamlets, amongst the
    chicken shops, bingo halls
    and strip-clubs, you’ll
    likely find Barnaby Carder.
    Otherwise known as Barn
    the spoon can be spotted
    in the front of his shopcome-
    workshop, with
    an axe in one hand and
    something between a hunk
    of wood and a spoon in
    the other.

    par Luke Harwood
  • Pascale Marthine Tayou

    €?I make art because I
    think about the world, I
    ask myself who we are,
    what it is we do, and what
    consequences that has for
    humanity. That is BOOMERANG.
    We are all boomerangs.”
    -Pascale Marthine

    par Anna Jacobsen
  • If Ed Miliband was a cocktail

    The Virgin

    par Sophie Guibert
  • If David Cameron was a cocktail


    par Sophie Guibert
  • Butler’s Gin Designed for life

    Ross William Butler
    is a man on a mission,
    and that mission is to
    share his hand-crafted
    gin with the world. Often
    found cruising the East
    London waterways abroad
    his vessel Fletcher, Ross
    started Butler’s Gin out of
    a lifelong love of beautiful

    par Natasha David

A propos du magazine

Le Bonbon London
Le Bonbon London LE BONBON LONDON est le petit frère du Bonbon Paris dont il garde les préceptes et insuffle l'esprit outre-Manche. Il sillonne les bas-fonds et haut-lieux de Londres pour dénicher les meilleurs plans et offrir à ses lecteurs un nouvel aperçu de la capitale.

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