Jaquette A place in the sun

A place in the sun

  • magazine : Punch
  • numero : 6886 - 1972
  • date : 30 août 1972
  • catégorie : Culture & arts


  • A place in the sol

    Welcome , seiiores y seiioras, to the Kington/Dickinson article on the Costa del Sol, which is delightfully situated on four choice pages in the Punch estate, with wonderful views of the editor's article on one side and easy access to many articles on the other. This is not one of your old-style quickly constructed, shoddily written features with no lasting quality. We have learnt from our mistakes. Today's journalists are giving you well designed, luxury feature articles, beautifully landscaped with photographs and drawings. It will be one of the most sought after descriptions in the history of the Costa del Sol.

    par Miles Kington
  • Every man has his price

    Top executives are just as valuable as soccer stars and should have a similar transfer system, says the Financial Times. Mahood looks at their price tags

  • In Arthur’s Bosom

    Alan Brien sinks slowly in the West

    par Alan Brien
  • Me S-paceman, You Moonmaid

    Brian Aldiss on Edgar Rice Burroughs as science fiction writer

    par Brian Aldiss

A propos du magazine

Punch PUNCH is a satirical magazine created in 1841 by Henry Mayhew. It is well known for discovering authors and drawers like Willie Wilde and Cecil Aldin. The magazine was really popular in the second half of the XIXth century and lasted until 2002 when it had to stop its publication because of a bad turnover.

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