Harry Secombe on : how to live in Australia
- magazine : Punch
- numero : 6854 - 1972
- date : 01 janvier 1972
- catégorie : Culture & arts
Flip your Talisman to PMA
Everyone even the cautious Governor of the Bank of England tells us there's going to be a boom in 1972. I have no wish to doubt their word, but it seems only fair to record that there are
people in this great country of ours who are just a teeny bit sceptical. Do you suppose that this might conceivably have something to do with the fact that we haven't had a sustained boom for more than thirty years ? -
Australia - Land of the rising damp
"Official opening today of a rain forest aviary at Taronga Zoo was washed out. Minister for Lands, Mr. Lewis, who was to perform the opening ceremony, went to a tailor to be fitted for a new suit."
Nor Iron Bars a Cage
As Britain experiments with visiting wives, America with prisoner warder talk-ins, and Zanzibar with the closing of its jails every Wednesday, speculation on the future development of penal reform is inevitably rife.
Ah, yes I remember it well !
Lord Butler's remark that there was nothing to say about Khruschev except that he was an ignorant peasant was a breath of fresh brevity in a world of elephantine memoirs. After all, how much do you honestly recall of past politicians? As much as ALAN COREN?
The return of Howard Hughes !
Where bas the world1 s richest footballer been these last twenty years P What
turned a sensational dribbler into a recluse ? And what finally caused... -
The Brien papers
The following article by ALAN BRIEN, containing many hitherto undisclosed facts, has corne into our hands. We consider it in the national interest to publish it now.
Sorne of Our Yesterdays
Have you noticed lately how more and more of our days are being grabbed by persons and organisations for their own wily purposes? You start giving mothers a day ail to their own and the next thing you know the pipe smokers have grabbed a day and called it National Pipe Smoking Day or the people who wear neckties have a NationalNeckwear Day; although why they can't wear their neckties and smoke their pipes ail at the same time, I don't know.
Be Proud! It’s Your Own Money You’re Spending !
Dear Tourist,
Yes, yes, 1 know tourist is a dirty word these days, but it doesn't seem so bad when you consider the sort of person who sneers at tourists. You yourself look openly at ruins in the company of your fellows; your detractor, who calls himself a traveller, looks at the same ruins when other people are not there. But often there is a bigger basic difference between the two of you : the tourist is the one who pays his own fare. -
Love France
Thousand beautiful French faces